Category: Thoughts

  • BP Oil’s Biggest Failure

    I recently watched a pretty disturbing video. The video clip is from an MSNBC video with Rachel Maddow. It compares the current BP oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico to a 1979 oil leak in the Gulf. Unfortunately the situations are eerily similar. What is disturbing to me is not that BP is experiencing this…

  • A Natural High

    I’ve discussed this topic before, but it’s fresh on my mind given that I just returned from a mission trip again. I went to Diamond Willow Ministries in Central South Dakota. It is located on the Crow Creek Reservation which at the last census was in the poorest county in the entire nation! I cannot…

  • Two Simple Words

    Two small words. Yet so much power. How often do you use them? Have you sincerely told someone “thank you” recently? How about to someone who really was just doing their job but deserves a little appreciation anyway? Try it. I’ll bet you’ll be pleased with the results. Just think how that person is going…

  • The Power of Words

    Have you noticed how common the common language has become? It seems that words are losing their impact. There are still people out there that can command language to do impactful works, but in general it seems as though many words have lost the rich meaning they once had. Take the word awful for instance.…

  • Feeding Your Greatest Asset

    How often do you give thought to thinking? It just comes natural doesn’t it? There are many ways to foster your mind’s ability to think. Here are a few that I use and some that I should be using, but need to work on. I find that activities that isolate me from the rest of…

  • What’s the Big Deal?

    Have you heard about the recent Detroit Tiger’s game controversy? The umpire, Jim Joyce, blew the call on the last play of the game costing a rookie pitcher for the Tigers, Armando Galarraga, a perfect game. Jim Joyce called the runner safe on first when he clearly did not beat the ball to the bag.…

  • Why Failure Can Be a Positive

    We don’t often think of sharing our failures or our weaknesses do we? Why would we want to let others know we aren’t perfect? Even superheroes have weaknesses though. Superman couldn’t stand kryptonite. Green Lantern had no power against yellow. Daredevil was overwhelmed by loud noise. There are several reasons to actually share our failures…

  • What Are You Investing In?

    I’m going to cheat a little on this post. I’m going to use it for both of my blogs. Honestly, it applies to both.  In case you haven’t checked out my other links before, I have a Personal Finance blog and a Personal Growth blog. This post covers both topics. Right now my wife and I are…

  • Just Another Vacation?

    I was reading my mom’s cousin’s blog about a recent trip she took to Costa Rica as sponsor for the senior class at the Christian school she teaches at in Marion, Indiana. I thought that it would make a great topic for a blog on personal growth. Then today at church, we had a lady…

  • Welcome!

    Welcome to my latest blog. As I’ve pursued my new Financial Coaching business, I’ve come to realize how important continuous growth and improvement is to me. I am constantly analyzing my behavior and actions to try and do better the next time I encounter a situation. I’m always reading books that are designed to help…