Category: Thoughts

  • I’m Right and You’re Wrong

    Have you ever gotten the impression that some people think that the world revolves around them? Or perhaps they think that their opinion is the only one that counts? The other week I had an interesting occurrence. I run the sound system some weeks at our church. During communion time, we often play some music from…

  • Dying To Get Together

    My grandpa passed away about a week and a half ago. We travelled up to Michigan for the funeral. I’ve never been much of one for attending funerals. I’m not much of one for crowds in general, so a funeral just adds another level of uncomfortableness to it. This one was different though. The actual…

  • Tomorrow Never Comes

    Have you ever found yourself stuck in a cycle of anticipating the next event in your life? Do you start to think about your upcoming birthday only to start thinking about your upcoming vacation once your birthday actually arrives? I find myself in that situation often. I’m always looking toward the next thing. Always rushing.…

  • Outlive Your Life

    Max Lucado does an excellent job of conveying the simple truths of the Gospel in his latest book Outlive Your Life: You Were Made to Make A Difference. The author uses very simple and plain language to give us the why and how of getting back to the original message of Christianity. He uses a…

  • Hope or Hope?

    I was reading my devotional today and there was a particular comment that really jumped out at me. The author referred to the change in the word hope as we tend to think of it today versus the way that it was used in the Bible. We tend to use the word hope more as…

  • Are You Strong Enough to Quit?

    The other day I was listening to a podcast by a fellow Free Agent Academy member, Andy Traub, in which he talked about the fact that he was a quitter. He said he’s quit tons of stuff. In fact he’d just quit serving in a roll recently at his church. He was quite proud of…

  • Clean Out Your Closets

    I recently read an article that cautioned those that are seeking employment about their online habits. The article cautioned that more and more employers are doing online “background checks” of potential employees. They are checking their blogs, Twitter accounts, Facebook accounts, etc. The caution was that you want to be careful about the kind of…

  • Not So Easily Bruised

    There are so many times in my life where I have worried about something I have said or done that involves a family member or a friend. Maybe I’ve said something and I’m not sure how they took it. Maybe there was something I did and I’m not sure if it upset them. I worry…

  • Man Up BP!

    I just read an article on about the oil rig that had an explosion and sank in the Gulf recently. Following is an excerpt from that article. A separate report by a different Transocean consultant on the Deepwater Horizon’s equipment cited at least 26 components and systems out of 129 categories on the rig that were…

  • Growth Requires Roots

    I was recently chastised for holding to outdated beliefs and told that I should be focusing on growing as a person instead. There are many fallacies in that statement. To illustrate my point, all I need to do is turn to that “outdated” Book for an example. The parable of the sower fits the bill perfectly. I’ll…